James Mazes

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Inizio > Hard Mazes

Very Hard Maze Grid Maze Number One508 visiteFor an extra challenge we made a very hard maze grid and this is the first maze created in this format.
Very Hard Maze Grid Maze 2643 visiteIn our very hard maze grid there are 2,378 squares that are to be turned into paths to create challenging mazes for you. This is maze number 2 with this very hard format.
Very Hard Maze Grid Maze Number 3524 visite2,378 squares turned into a maze can make a very fun challenge such as this very hard maze which took two partial days to complete.
Very Hard Maze Grid Maze Number 4510 visiteCan you see the word James? Very hard 2,378 square maze grid maze.
2,378 Grid Hard Maze 5488 visiteIs the word James in this very hard maze grid maze number 5?
Rectangle Hard Maze789 visiteIf you need a tip for the hard mazes try coloring the dead ends with one color and the start to finish with a second color. (James Michael Brands word maze)
18 immagini su 2 pagina(e) 2